The District shall terminate water service to the property of a customer who receives two violations for noncompliance with conditions set forth herein. In addition, as a condition of water service, the District shall require the installation of a water meter, and shall charge the approved metered service and commodity rate for water based on the actual volume of deliveries, as measured by a water meter.
- Upon observation by authorized District personnel of a water waste condition, the District shall issue a warning with the first two observations by personal service or by notice left on premises requesting compliance with the District’s conservation rules.
- Upon observation by authorized District personnel of a third water waste condition at the same property address, the customer shall be issued a violation by personal service or by notice left on premise and a copy mailed to customer at the premises. The customer shall be notified, in writing, that if an additional observation of water waste is documented, the District shall issue a second violation notice, require the installation of a water meter, and begin termination actions of water service to the subject address. In lieu of service termination, the District may opt to impose a penalty charge for water waste. The District shall indicate in writing said penalty charge, if applicable, and shall include the approved metered service and commodity rates in the violation notice. If the customer is not the property owner, a copy of the writing shall be mailed to the owner of record.
- Upon observation by authorized District personnel of a fourth, or subsequent water waste condition at the same property address, the customer shall be issued a violation notice by personal service or by notice left on premises and a copy mailed to the customer at the premises. The owner/customer shall then be notified, in writing by certified mail, that the water service to the subject address shall be terminated in fifteen (15) days. Reconnection to the District’s system after said termination procedure shall be subject to a reconnect charge equal to the District’s actual incurred costs to date, including penalty fees, or to a minimum charge as follows, whichever is greater:
- 1st reconnect charge $100.00 per service connection2nd reconnect charge $200.00 per service connection3rd reconnect charge $300.00 per service connection4th reconnect charge $400.00 per service connection
In addition, as a condition of water service, the District shall install a water meter and shall charge the approved metered service and commodity rate for water based on the actual volume of deliveries to the premises.
- Subsequent violations shall be treated in the same manner as a fourth water waste or second violation (subsequent reconnect charges applied).
- Prior to the scheduled termination, the customer may choose to pay the District’s costs associated with the subject action, and any penalty costs in lieu of terminating service. The customer may, in writing, request a meeting with the District’s General Manager to discuss the proposed termination of service. Payment of the penalty charge and fees shall avoid said termination and shall be considered a “waiver of appeal.”
- If the customer requests a meeting with the General Manager, and said meeting does not resolve the proposed termination of service to the customer’s satisfaction, the customer may request a hearing before the Board of Directors. Such requests shall be made in writing and delivered to the District office within five (5) days from the date of the meeting between the customer and the District’s General Manager.
- If such request is made for a hearing before the Board, the matter shall be scheduled at the earliest possible date. A written notice of such hearing shall be mailed to customer at the premises at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such hearing.
- Reconnection to the District’s system after said termination procedure shall be subject to a reconnect charges equal to the District’s actual incurred costs to date, including penalty fees, and other related charges. The District must receive payment for said charges before the water service is restored.
- The State Water Resources Control Board shall be notified upon termination and reinstatement of service.
If the customer is not issued a warning or violation for a period of one year from the date of the last observed conservation rules violation, enforcement actions shall revert to paragraph (1) of this section.